Saturday, June 30, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday

I've always wanted to be one of those super-organized moms {nobody laugh at me! hee hee}. Maybe I need a little bit of accountability, someone to report to, other than Andy, who will ReAllY laugh at me! I'm going to jump in with The Lazy Organizer, because that's really how I feel most of the time. So, here are some of my goals. I'm going to start small, and add as I get a handle on these ones.

One thing I have TOTALLY slacked on is exercise. Then I wonder why I am gaining weight by leaps and bounds! My goal is 4 days a week of at least 45 minutes of exercise. Probably walking, but I'll go for bike riding or a workout video, also. Strenuous swimming will also count!

Reading the scriptures every day: personal and family study. We are either hot or cold on this it seems. I actually seem to do much better with it when I get up early to go for a walk! I think I feel less rushed, and a little more, well, organized. Most mornings the kids like to read together. In the past we had tried reading the scriptures in the evening before bed, which I thought would be a nice wind-down to the day, but they were just too overtired, and sometimes even downright belligerent. Everything went much better after we switched to mornings before school. Along with reading the scriptures is reading the Relief Society lesson each week, which is a challenge that our ward bishop has given to those of us who are not able to attend class because of our other callings. I've actually been doing great with this, and I am reading back on some of the lessons I've missed.

Chores for the kids every morning. We started this after summer academy, and it was really going well, but we've gotten a little off schedule. What we did was: I looked around the house and decided what chores needed to be done that morning, such as vacuum and dust living room, straighten up bookcase, clean bathroom sink, mirror, and floor, mop kitchen, empty dishwasher, clean out get the drift. I then list these individual jobs on a paper under the room name. I've found that the more specific I get, the better, like listing what cleaner to use, the pieces of furniture to dust, etc. The kids pick a paper out of a hat and have to do those chores before they can go outside to play. I think we will do this on weekdays only, and take the weekend off from the thorough cleaning, and just do the surface cleaning on the weekend.

One more thing, PAPERWORK! The dreaded paperwork. I will work on IT 30 minutes a day.

OK, there's the list. I may add some more next Saturday, depending on how these are going!


Lara said...

Great goals! Thanks for joining us for SHS!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to SHS! I am impressed with all your goals. Good luck achieving them. I know for me, just knowing what I am striving for pushes me in the right direction.

Rebecca said...

Welcome to the SMARTy pants club {as I affectionately call it}. It really is a great source of accountability & encouragement. Good luck with all of your goals this week!

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