Monday, September 12, 2011

Our family mission statement...

Several years ago we decided to write a family mission statement.  I have to admit that at the time I brought this up to my family we were really struggling with finances, jobs, and life in general, and I thought that this would be a morale booster.  It would be a guide to get us through our days and something to draw us closer together.  (Maybe I should have written a personal mission statement.  I'll put that on my to-do list. :) )

I was introduced to the idea of a Family Mission Statement probably 10 years ago by a friend in a Family Home Evening preparation group.  She had read Stephen Covey's book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" and made up a FHE on how to create a Highly Effective Family which included how to write a family mission statement.

In the book, Stephen Covey suggests that each of us begin with the end in mind and create a clear, compelling vision of what you and your family are all about.  He says,
"A family mission statement is a combined, unified expression from all family members of what your family is all about---what it is you really want to do and be---and the principles you choose to govern your family life."
So we wrote our mission statement:
Our Family works together as a loving family and strives to do our best in all that we do.  We treat others with respect and speak lovingly to each other.  We value each others opinions, and we are patient and tolerant of each other.  We won't demean or be critical of anyone's efforts.
The members of Our Family are Honest, Courteous and Helpful.  We work together until all work is done.  We can be kind by sharing and we don't throw toys.  We are safe by driving safely and going to school safely.
Our Family has family prayers and eats dinner together every night.  We clean up our own messes.  Each member of our family has personal prayers before bed and expresses their thanks to Heavenly Father for their blessings.
We will live to be worthy to go to the temple and to serve missions.
We eat healthy things to keep our bodies strong.
We Choose The Right! (CTR)

Looking back at it I can tell what the dynamics of our daily life and relationships were.  And I distinctly remember there being a toy-throwing incident that day.

We typed our mission statement out, I mounted it on scrapbook paper and hung it on the bulletin board where it stayed gathering dust for a couple of years.  Then we packed the house up to move and the family mission statement was tucked into a scrapbook until I dug it out yesterday for this post.  Not really keeping it a priority.

After reading Anne's post on Chocolate on my Cranium I've realized that our Family Mission Statement needs to be prominently displayed and used in our home.  I love her idea of reciting it every day, maybe before family prayers.  I have noticed that our family has been really critical of each other, and I'm hoping that utilizing Our Family Mission Statement will remind us what it's all about!

"Where there is great love there are always miracles."  Willa Cather
I've always got room for miracles!

I'm linking up here:

Tidy Mom


JRoberts said...

Thank you for sharing and linking up. It is so important to remember who we are and what we believe, especially as a family.

Montserrat said...

You are a step ahead of us! We don't even have one yet....

Carrie said...

I am so impressed at how many people have already made a mission statement!!! I love your families mission statement. Thanks so much for sharing. I have some work to do... :)

Anne said...

I love your blog could even be a family moto! ;o)

Tracy said...

I agree: posting it prominently is a great idea. Working on that one. :)

Jocelyn Christensen said...


Kendra aka The Meanest Momma said...

Thanks for sharing this! It's something we've been meaning to do but haven't made a priority. Must do it soon!

JamieAnne of A Dash of Domestic said...

Love this!

LeAnn said...

This was great and I enjoyed reading your post!

Tara said...

Could I just borrow your statement and use it for my own fam? It's so well written! Much better than I could ever do! :) LOVE YA and MISS YA So much!

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